I have a friend who knows and appreciates good music and also things French, and so I recently e-mailed her to ask if she knew the K-Maro song “Sous l’oeil de l’ange,” figuring that (a) her answer would be, “
,” and (b) she would love the song once she heard it. It was supposed to be a nice present for her. But she replied back that it’s one of her favorite songs and she listens to it all the time.
reason I liked her.
Seriously, I was slightly disappointed that she already knew it (because so much for my gift), but delighted to know that she likes it as much as I thought she would. And the more I thought about it, the more I thought it would be worth trying to share with my Gentle Readers, even though most of you don’t speak French.
The title means “Under the eye of the angel,” and it is one of the best songs I’ve ever heard for people who are going through difficult times in their lives and trying to hang in there. This is only in small measure due to the fact that the lyrics encourage those under trial. That merely sets the theme. What gives the song its power is the combination of instrumental simplicity overlaid with genuinely astonishing poetic verve and intensity expressed through metric complexity so perfectly wedded to sense and sound as to seem inevitable rather than bewildering. In particular, I don’t know of any other song that has so effectively wielded internal rhyme, with near sledge-hammer emotional effect. Simply a magnificent piece of work. Even those who don’t speak French can, I think, be moved by the musical power of the piece. And if you
follow the French…why, then, I believe that this is a song that will find its way onto your iPod playlist and stay there a very long time.
Lyrics, in the original French and in my almost certainly disastrously bad translation into English, follow the embedded video. (I have no idea why there's a huge gap between the video and the lyrics, and I'm tired of trying to fix it; so it's just gonna stay there.)
By the way, I don't know whether K-Maro himself ever made a video of this song, but there are a
of people who love this song and have used it as the background for their own homemade videos. The one I'm embedding first has the best sound quality I was able to find and also (which doesn't hurt my feelings) features a very cute girl. But you can find
a video I almost used instead, as it is by far my favorite except, alas, for the poor sound quality. It's a video featuring somewhat grainy old-style home videos of a happy kid who looks to be about ten, uploaded by somebody who dedicated it simply "a mon fils que j aime" -- "to my son, whom I love". What a completely delightful video it is. And then
is somebody who, oddly, used it as a first-year-anniversary video. (Rather an ill-omened song for a first anniversary, I would have thought, but hey, it's her anniversary.) I like this one because it gives me a chance to practice my Portuguese; as for that bikini and that spectacular Brazilian complexion...you know, I, um, actually hadn't noticed that until you mentioned it just now.
Lovely French Lyrics | Bad Peril Translation |
Et il m'a dit un jour: Écoute petit | And he told me one day: Listen, child, |
Va cours, rattrape ta chance | Stay the course, seize your chance |
Vis ton rêve, la vie te sourit | You live your dream, life smiles at you |
En une seconde, un oui, un non | In a second, a yes, a no |
Tu passes à côté | You pass close by |
Ne pense pas dans le vent du courage | Don’t stop to think in the wind of courage |
Vas-y, élance-toi, | Go for it, charge forward |
Tu seras reçu par ceux qui t'aiment | You’ll be met by those who love you |
Ceux qui dans le fond d'un regard | By those who in a mere glance |
En silence te comprennent | In silence understand you |
Et ils partageront les mêmes peines, les tiennes | And they will share the same pain, your pain |
Ces centaines de haine, les fois où tu parles trop | The hundreds of acts of hatred, the times you speak as a fool |
Les fois où tu dis rien, tu fais rien | The times when you do nothing, say nothing |
Quand tu as l'impression de vivre | When you feel as though you are living |
Toujours le même quotidien | The same day over and over |
Ne baisse pas les bras, ne lâche pas | Don’t give up the fight, don’t give up |
Prends le temps de te dire | Take the time to tell yourself |
Qu'il y a un ange derrière toi | That there’s an angel behind you |
Relève toi, et va trouver le plus fort en toi au fond de toi | Pick yourself up and go find the strength inside you, in your deepest heart |
Le bonheur est au bout des doigts, ne l'oublie pas, oh! | Luck is at your fingertips, don’t forget, oh! |
| |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai su rester fort | I’m here to tell you that I’ve been able to stay strong |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire qu'ils n'ont rien vu encore | I’m here to tell you that they’ve seen nothing yet |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai trouver la paix | I’m here to tell you that I’ve found peace |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
J'ai su pardonner et j'ai su le chanter | I’ve been able to forgive and I’ve been able to sing |
| |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai su rester fort | I’m here to tell you that I’ve been able to stay strong |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire qu'ils n'ont rien vu encore | I’m here to tell you that they’ve seen nothing yet |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai trouver la paix | I’m here to tell you that I’ve found peace |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
J'ai su pardonner et j'ai su le chanter | I’ve been able to forgive and I’ve been able to sing |
| |
Il va falloir que tu saches | You’ll need to know |
Ce qui se cache dans une défaite et, | What lies hidden within defeat |
Trouver la porte dans le noir qui t'en sortirai | Find the door in the darkness where you can escape |
Et recommencer à rêver | And start again to dream |
C'est dans les rêves que se cache | In your dreams hides |
La porte de l'éternel conte de fée, | The door to the eternal fairy tale |
Ta vie tu la bâtiras de tes mains, | You’ll build your life with your hands |
La sueur de ton front | The sweat of your brow |
Sera le pain pour ton lendemain, | Will become tomorrow’s bread |
Va, et sois le meilleur dans ce que tu feras | Go, and be the best at whatever you do |
Ne baisse pas les bras et Dieu te gardera | Never give up and God will watch over you |
Il te parlera de ça de tout et de rien, | He’ll speak to you of this, of everything and of nothing |
Il a les mélodies, les clefs du mal et du bien | He has the songs, the keys to evil and good |
Il fera ton histoire, il écrira demain | He’ll make your story, He’ll write your tomorrow |
Il aura tes mémoires dans le creux de sa main | He’ll hold your memories in the hollow of His hand |
Va (va!) et sache que tu as tout ce qu'il faut, | Go, knowing that you have everything you need |
Et bien plus qu'il n'en faut, | And even more than you need |
Mais donne-toi le temps qu'il faut, regarde en haut, oh! | But give yourself the time you need, lift up your eyes, oh! |
| |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai su rester fort | I’m here to tell you that I’ve been able to stay strong |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire qu'ils n'ont rien vu encore | I’m here to tell you that they’ve seen nothing yet |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai trouver la paix | I’m here to tell you that I’ve found peace |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
J'ai su pardonner et j'ai su le chanter | I’ve been able to forgive and I’ve been able to sing |
| |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai su rester fort | I’m here to tell you that I’ve been able to stay strong |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire qu'ils n'ont rien vu encore | I’m here to tell you that they’ve seen nothing yet |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai trouver la paix | I’m here to tell you that I’ve found peace |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
J'ai su pardonner et j'ai su le chanter | I’ve been able to forgive and I’ve been able to sing |
| |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
| |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai su rester fort | I’m here to tell you that I’ve been able to stay strong |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire qu'ils n'ont rien vu encore | I’m here to tell you that they’ve seen nothing yet |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai trouver la paix | I’m here to tell you that I’ve found peace |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
J'ai su pardonner et j'ai su le chanter | I’ve been able to forgive and I’ve been able to sing |
| |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai su rester fort | I’m here to tell you that I’ve been able to stay strong |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire qu'ils n'ont rien vu encore | I’m here to tell you that they’ve seen nothing yet |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai trouver la paix | I’m here to tell you that I’ve found peace |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
J'ai su pardonner et j'ai su le chanter | I’ve been able to forgive and I’ve been able to sing |
| |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
| |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
| |
Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |
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Sous l'oeil de l'ange | Under the eye of the angel |