Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Thanks for the encouragement, young 'un

[The Peril and his better half Helen -- this blog is strenuously resisting the urge to dub her "Yellow Peril" -- have gone to the mechanic's shop to pick up Helen's car, which has been spruced up to where she will be willing to drive it and safetied up to where her husband will be willing to let her. Helen is going to have to drive her car back to the apartment, since the Peril himself has to drive the car they came in. It is very late at night, which is good because there will be little traffic, but is bad because Helen has never before driven at night. She is very nervous, despite her husband's promise to take the slow way along back streets rather than making her drive on the freeway. She and eight-year-old Kai are discussing where Kai will ride on the way home. The conversation is in Chinese but too bad for authenticity; it gets blogged in English on this here redneck blog.]

HELEN: Why don't you ride with Kenny Daddy?

KAI: Oh, that's okay, Mom -- I'll ride with you. That way we can die together.


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