Saturday, December 17, 2011

If you can read Chinese...

...then you can find here an exceptionally entertaining story about the travails of a long-suffering Chinese wife whose husband wants to take her to his fancy company Christmas party. Alas, said husband's airheadedness makes it all rather needlessly difficult.

In all seriousness, I keep hearing what a wonderful writer Helen is from native Mandarin speakers who read her blog; so if you can read Mandarin, by all means follow the link. I practice my Chinese by trying to read her blog, but obviously I can't really tell you how good a writer she is. But that she has a flair for vivid and moving metaphor, I can guess from the final paragraph of this post, in which she (a) carries on about how good I am at giving her praise and compliments, and then finishes up with this paragraph:
Which, as far as I can tell, means something like this:
Oh, my sweet doofus husband, I know you can't read these words I write in Chinese. All the same, at this moment I just want to thank you, with true thanks from my heart, for your love and your patience. I want to tell you, even though it's autumn now, and even though it's thunderstorms that you love, your gratitude and your praise are like the pitter-patter of soft spring rain, like the babbling of a spring-fed brook watering the fields of my heart. Even in my dark valleys, I always have the rain of your gratitude, the spring of your praise. I thank God deeply for you! And it's my hope and prayer that such gratitude and praise would flow through every family in the world!!
That, I think, even survives a redneck translation.

What I keep trying to tell her, is that it's easy to be good at praising her -- all I have to do is just tell the truth.


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