Saturday, September 22, 2007

Um...THIS Picture, Leanne

Leanne wanted to know where the picture from the last post was, and sure enough I had forgotten to add it. So here are Deion (on the left) and Denae (on the right).

I don't have any pictures of Duane (who is a chunky ethnically Chinese Filipino with a pretty much permanently beaming grin) and/or Desiree (who is a tiny petite, slim little Filipina who I don't think is five feet tall but has a booming opera-trained soprano that you wouldn't think could possibly come out of somebody that small), but obviously with kids that cute neither of them is unduly appearance-challenged.

The girls were sitting in my lap this afternoon just after their nap, all three of us piled into one of the big easy chairs. Deion wanted to tell me something and got just a touch confused, and she addressed me as "Mama." I explained to her very carefully that I was actually Uncle Kenny, not Mama, but that she should not feel embarrassed because, given the uncanny resemblance between Desiree and myself, I get that a lot...


At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I agree they're cute! :-)



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