Friday, June 29, 2007

Mark Steyn recently summed up John McCain perfectly, at least from where I sit: "Senator McCain is governed primarily by his indestructible sense of his own indispensability."

Now, unfortunately, McCain is an eminently dispensable Senator -- how hard would it be for our country to get along with full frontal assaults on the First Amendment, after all? So it's nice to be able to see that, for once, he was
quite literally indispensable -- but, since (as he's been doing for months now) he was out running for President rather than doing his job as a Senator, it turns out that his truancy killed his own pet monster of an immigration bill.

Look, I try to be charitable, but McCain for some reason tries my patience, and I just can't help but think this turn of events is high-larious...especially since at this point I probably have as good a chance at the Presidency as McCain does. Consider the perfect symmetry of his self-immolation: first, McCain torpedoes his presidential campaign by signing onto this comprehensive immigration bill -- and then he turns around and torpedoes the comprehensive immigration bill by going off and campaining for the presidency.

[cackling unrepentantly] I would like to feel bad about being uncharitable, but...BWA-HA-HA-HA, as Dave Barry might say.

HT: Ace


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