Friday, July 28, 2006

More or less annual blogroll update

I don't revamp my blogroll nearly as often as I should, but today's the day.


Ann Coulter, the Kos, Molly Ivins, Michelle Malkin -- because I've lost a lot of my tolerance for bad-tempered and incivil people. And yes, I know I'm frequently bad-tempered and incivil. Therefore I don't blogroll myself. Got a problem with that, fat boy?

Jeff Jarvis -- 'cause he got boring and I haven't read him in dog's months.

Andrew Sullivan:

"Gay marriage rockas and George Bush waterboards and gay marriage rocks and Passion of the Christ was sadomasochism and Ramesh Ponneru is a lying stupid fool and gay marriage rocks plus Benedict is just no fun at all. And hey, I'm a conservative."

Now you don't need to read anything Andrew has written for the last year because that is an exhaustive summary. The boy has taken jumping the shark to previously unheard-of levels. (Yes, I know that the phrase "jumping the shark" passé.)

Newly on the blogroll:

Ace of Spades HQ, bloody hilarious but my kids are forbidden to follow any links to his site. Ever.

The Corner, conservative group blog that I mostly use the way I use Instapundit: for the links. Also they argue among themselves quite a bit, politely but trenchantly.

Crooked Timber, sharp-minded liberal group blog.

Knowledge Problem, economics blog...okay, look, I think stuff like this article on gas prices is interesting. Do you ride a bike instead of driving a car? Then here's highly useful insight on Floyd Landis's drug test. See what I mean? Good stuff.

Okay, fine. I'm a geek. Next new entry.

Liberty and Justice, Michael Galien's blog -- a good guy, frequent commenter at ATB. A young Dutch Christian with a strong interest in American governance but a very non-American perspective.

TalkLeft, one of the few liberal blogs that came straight out and blasted Deb Frisch without feeling compelled to add, "But of course Ann Coulter is a Nazi."


P.S. Of course that's not really an exhaustive summary of Sullivan's output -- if I were still reading him I wouldn't be dropping him from the blogroll. I don't know what he's writing about these days, though I would imagine a demand for gay marriage and general hatred of George Bush still figure prominently. And I imagine he still insists on being called a conservative. But I wouldn't know for sure 'cause he stopped having anything fresh or new to say and I stopped wasting my time on him.


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