Monday, November 21, 2011

"Thou Shalt Not Steal. Thou Shalt Not Covet."

Two commandments so utterly despised by liberals such as Lee Siegel that their existence never even crosses Siegel's intellectually and ethically impoverished mind:

When the head of a household of four, who is earning $60,000 a year, cannot be convinced that people making several million dollars a year should pay more money in taxes so that he can afford health care for himself and his family, common sense seems to have disappeared down the rabbit hole. Why is it so hard to convince this man, who is decent, rational, and responsible in other aspects of his life, that his politics are incoherent?

Because there's nothing incoherent in his politics. He is simply declining your offer to help him steal from the guy making several million. This could be because he was taught basic morality from his parents and knows that stealing is wrong, even if you delegate the actual getting-your-hands-dirty part to politicians and bureaucrats. It could be that he had an even better moral education than that, and that he not only does not steal from his neighbor, but goes beyond that and refrains from coveting his neighbor's several million dollars.

At least that's the most likely explanation. Of course it could also be that he understands economic law, and understands that the more that the Citizens Who Make $60,000/year agree to politicians' plots to loot the pockets of the One Percent, the fewer One Percenters there will be starting and operating businesses that hire people such as himself at $60,000/year. It could be that he understands economic law and knows that once a nation's voters are foolish enough to accept liberal politicians' guarantee of some service as a "right," the cost is guaranteed to explode and the quantity and quality available are guaranteed to collapse. He could, in other words, not be a raving jackass.

But it's more likely that he's just a decent and honest person who, as opposed to the likes of Siegel, actually tries to follow the Eighth and Tenth Commandments.


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