Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Line of the year...heck, of the decade...from Olivia Manning

[from this ESPN interview in which Rick Reilly interviews Archie, Peyton and Eli all at the same time]

REILLY: Archie, let's finish with you. You had this terrific college and pro career. And then you have three star sons, two of whom grow up to be Super Bowl MVPs. Does it ever just stop you in your tracks?

Archie: You know, I said to [Olivia] one night -- I was in bed, reading something about the boys in a magazine -- and I said, "Honey, we've been married 35 years now. Did you ever, in your wildest dreams, think you and I would have children that would do these amazing things?"

And she said, "Archie, very seldom are you in my wildest dreams."


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