Sunday, July 30, 2006

I said it better. Except for this one part.

Obviously I think Jim Tonkowich has it pretty much right. Naturally I think that what he's searching for is my Results/Fact distinction (originally Therapy/Fact, and you need to read both parts of the explanation plus the post where I address pretty much precisely the issue that Tonkowich is trying to address). So, it goes without saying that my formulation is better.

But I gotta tell you I have every intention of plagiarizing the last line of this excerpt, which I (not Tonkowich) have emphasized:

In the same session, several speakers--mostly pastors--argued in favor of divestment, explaining that they had visited the Palestinians, "engaged in dialogue," and were "deeply concerned. No one informed these undoubtedly well-meaning people that the plural of "anecdote" is not "data."

(Note: the article is actually about the disintegration of mainline churches along what I would call Results / Fact lines of metaphorical orientation, not primarily about the conflict in Israel.)