Monday, February 13, 2006

Time to reinforce my preexisting opinions

I've argued for a long time that what cripples Arabs most is their culture of hate -- for example, that the only thing Arabs have to unite them is the fact that they hate the same people, but the trouble is (a) hatred is evil; (b) hatred destroys your manhood, your intelligence, your strength, and anything else that would make it possible to win in the long term; (c) Arabs have historically hated other Arabs almost as much as they hate Jews. The worst thing you can do to a child is raise him up to hate other people...and the Wahabbis and Palestinians appear to specialize in it.

Now comes an Arab commentator who says I'm right. (Not in so many words since she has never heard of me, of course.)

I suppose we could both be wrong, but it's always nice to know somebody else doesn't think you're crazy.


At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The article of Nonie was very easy to understand. It was like reading my own thoughts. Hmmn, I'm not sure if that make sense, but anyways that makes 3 of us now..

At 1:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I make , at least, four of us !! Skeneogden: I just don't see the self-loathing aspect that I hear about so often. I DO see their LOATHING , but it seems to be directed at everyone BUT themselves. They seem to have a mightily exalted opinion of themselves, if you ask me. They seem to think they can treat all others with disrespect, but RESPECT them - or else ! They seem to think that their "land" is sacred but all other land is theirs to move into and DICTATE policy therein. They seem to think that they needn't even acknowledge the pain and disruption that their "brothers" have caused in recent years, but that we should grovel in guilt over our " Islamophobia". I could go on but will spare you.... You get my drift. JESS1DERING

At 10:39 AM, Blogger Ken Pierce said...


Persons who actually have psychological training will have to forgive my very amateurish take here...but in my own limited experience, it seems to me that self-loathing manifests itself more commonly through rage directed apparently at others than in any other way, because it's too painful for the self-loather to face the fact that he himself is the despicable person. If he does ever recognize it, then now you are liable to have a suicide watch on your hands.

At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another solid reinforcement:


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