Friday, January 06, 2006

He's not dead yet

Although Sir Dave has retired from regular column-writing, he still favors us with the year in review.

I particularly enjoyed the following item:

In disturbing medical news, a new study of 1,000 Americans finds that obesity in the United States has gotten so bad that there actually were, upon closer scrutiny, only 600 Americans involved in the study.
The Democrats can console themselves with, "It's only a joke," or else they can remind themselves of the fact that the truer something is the funnier it is, depending upon whether they want to get their act together and actually win some elections, or, well, not:

...President George W. Bush is sworn in for a second term, pledging in his inauguration speech that, over the next four years, he will continue, to the best of his ability, trying to pronounce big words. In a strongly worded rebuttal, the Democratic leadership points out that, when you get right down to it, there IS no Democratic leadership.
Did I say that the truer something is the funnier it is? Oh, I did already. Well, it bears repeating:

President Bush, needing to make another appointment to the Supreme Court, conducts a thorough and painstaking investigation of every single woman lawyer within an eight-foot radius of his desk.
Apologies to all who thought Harriet Miers was a good choice; you have permission to say, "It's only a joke..." ;-)

Since most of what Barry has to say isn't political, and since even then he is genuinely non-partisan, even those of you who don't like political controversy ought to hike over and savor his musings on the now-safely-in-the-books 2005.

Oh, and by the way:

In sports, the National Hockey League, amid much hoopla, resumes play, fueling rumors that the league must have, at some point, stopped playing.
The truer something is, the funnier it is.


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