Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Required reading

From Vodkapundit, who is more like me in temperament and general outlook than anybody else on the web I can think of offhand, but who writes gooder 'n' me.

I'm not kidding; this is a very thought-provoking piece that anybody serious about American security pretty much has to read and engage with. Not agree with, necessarily, but in this case both reading and thought are definitely Required.

UPDATE: Link should be fixed now.


At 10:06 AM, Blogger Jim r said...

For what this is worth Kenny, I agree with most of his assessment. However, I go a few steps farther. Media is one major outlet, but not the only one. We have troops on the ground in a bad situation. What we don't have is a solid diplomatic regime aimed at corralling all the surrounding countries. In addition to solid diplomacy, we need to create a regional solution. As long as half the countries in the middle east are overtly hostile to the United States, or the United States is hostile towards them, we will never win this battle. PERIOD. We need to get the surrounding countries to step up and create their own regional solutions to the problems they are facing that spawn the hatred of America. America is not in a position to lead this effort. We don't have the credibility to do it.

We need to get the Muslim states to come together to create their own solutions to terrorism, energy problems, religious intolerance, etc. These are the incubators of extremism. When these problems boil over the people look for a scapegoat. America is an easy target. Extremist leaders use these problems as a reason to blame America, and fuel the fire of hatred. The area countries need to step up to address their own problems.

I know you won't like the candidate, but take a look at Wesley Clarks policy page at Wespac.org. His Iraq policy and terrorism statements are the most thought out I have read. Not only critical of the current administration, but also provides solid ideas for solutions.


At 10:34 AM, Blogger Jim r said...

Here is the real link: Wesley Clarks PAC site


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