Monday, September 26, 2005

Enjoying Jess's blog

My hilarious young friend Jessica Lugo has stopped sending out her periodic e-mails, and instead is now blogging. Let's look for a moment at one of her recent posts.

She wishes to tell the story of how the kitchen faucet malfunctioned, and how her and her roommates' attempts to solve the problem just made things worse. But she is handicapped by the fact that, not being a plumber, she doesn't know the names of the various parts of a kitchen faucet. So she insouciantly makes up names for the parts she doesn't know (e.g., "feebus" and "furbus") and sails right on along with her story. "She comes in and starts to turn it too except the feebus detaches!...Linds moves her hand off the furbus and a geyser of water shoots up..."

Thing is, the child is a good enough writer that her story is perfectly clear and understandable even though she's telling it using words she just made up off the top of her head. (I suppose it says something about my age, this referring to college sophomores as "children"...)

So, anyway, head over to Jess from Texas, read a couple of week's worth of archives to catch up and get to know her, and start enjoying her acquaintance.


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