Friday, August 05, 2005

ADOPTION UPDATE: Going to Karaganda

I'm not sure that we will be able to do both the adoption and the youth house, but at this point I'm confident that -- if nothing else bad is about to happen that we don't know about -- we'll be on that plane Sunday. I've reached the point of being confident that the right thing to do is to go to Kazakhstan...though I still couldn't tell you what will happen when we get there.

In other words, we'll get on that plane. Whether and when we'll bring those girls back, Бог знает. (That is, God only knows.)

I just have to say, I've been humbled by the amount of support we've received. You must understand that all the e-mails saying, "We're praying for you" matter just as much to us as, say, the e-mail from my buddy in Austin who is considering helping us out by paying the $155 traffic ticket I recently picked up en route to Houston...which would be a nice gesture of solidarity from my buddy since it would help not only my financial situation, but my marital situation as well. (See, I sort of mislaid the, never mind, long story, not adoption-related).

So thank you guys very much.


P.S. I'm teasing about the marital situation saint of a wife forgave me practically immediately.

This adoption update was preceded by this one, and is followed by this one.


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