Friday, July 15, 2005

Hey, Terrorists, What's It Like, Fighting Against Supermen?

A single, terse story encapsulates why our military is the greatest -- in every respect, moral as well as tactical -- in the history of mankind.

Army Pfc. Stephen Tschiderer was standing in a Baghdad street, unaware that 25 yards away, a sniper and camera crew had him in their sights. So they shot him square in the chest and knocked him to the ground, and immediately (as you can hear on the videotape the terrorists had rolling) started chanting the pious phrase such men have turned into an obscenity: "Allah aqbar," "God is great," which any day now is going to be extended with an appropriate Arabic idiom to the more completely accurate jihadist chant, "God is great, but we really suck."

But Pfc. Tschiderer was wearing American gear. So the bullet didn't kill him. And Pfc. Tshiderer has an American soldier's training, and American soldier's courage, and an American soldier's coolness under fire. So he promptly bounced up, took cover, and then led a quick assualt that disabled and captured the terrorist quartet, complete with video. At the end of the attack, Pfc. Tshiderer personally put "the wives" (that's Spanish for "the handcuffs" -- not making that up) on the guy who had just shot him.

Oh, and one more thing: Pfc. Tshiderer is an American soldier, with an American soldier's ethics. So having handcuffed his would-be murderer, he promptly treated the man's wounds.

Pfc. Tshiderer, you see, is one of our medics.

Our guys are in a completely different universe than theirs when it comes to equipment. Our guys are in a completely different universe than theirs when it comes to training and valor. And our guys are in a completely different universe than the child-murderers when it comes to morality. Has there ever been a country with more reason to be proud of its military than ours?

Is the very question not absurd on its face?

Hoo-ah on, Pfc. T.

By the way: you must -- absolutely must -- watch the video. I think it's the most disheartening piece of video (for the terrorists) I have ever seen. I've watched it half a dozen times, and I still can't believe it when Pfc. T. pops back up off ground, does a rapid scan of the area to orient himself with regard to where his enemy is, then calmly takes cover and goes to work. Un-freakin'-believable.

Hat-tip: Drudge.


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