Wednesday, July 06, 2005

"Peut-Être la Crédibilité, Elle Manque" Dept

The International Olympic Committe was no doubt greatly relieved yesterday when, in pleading Paris's case for the 2012 Olympics, Monsieur Integrity Incarnate (otherwise known as Jacques Chirac) assured the IOC's voters, "You can put your trust and faith in France, you can trust the French, you can trust us."

And yet...I couldn't presume to explain why...the IOC still awarded the games to London.

In a related story sure to be found particularly enjoyable by Dessie and the Kengle...oh, right, already blogged that one. At any rate, I gather from M. le Presidente's remarks about whom to trust, that the IOC wouldn't encourage Chirac to open a restaurant anytime soon.

Of course he's right about British food, though...


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