Monday, April 21, 2008

Political comment not meant for the kids

My kids are forbidden to read the rest of this grown-ups-only post. Also, chivalry requires me to note that it is not really suitable for the ears of traditionally-minded ladies.

I presume many of you have run across links to Omar Al-Sweilem's paean to the 79 Virgins who await those Islamofascists who manage to muster sufficient devotion to the Merciful Allah to murder an adequate number of infidel women and children. (Obligatory not-all-Muslims-are-crazed-death-worshipping-jihadists note: how much antipathy to Muslims-per-se would you say is exhibited by my third-most-recent post on this very blog? Obviously if I didn't know perfectly well that "Fred" and Naj and Samihah were delightful people with no interest whatsoever in being a part of murder and terrorism, I wouldn't be socializing with them over dinner or sending my wife to Tunisia for their weddings. And God help you if you speak badly of my Kazakh friends the Shunaevs in my presence. End of obligatory note for the benefit of the "hate speech" jackasses censors.) What is striking to me is one particular detail, which makes Al-Sweilem remind me strongly of a Jim Croce narrator, in that he is so clueless that he doesn't realize what he has just revealed about himself and his followers.

These Real Men of Jihad are told by their leader about how marvelous the virgins will be, and in particular he assures them, "What softness! Without any creams - no Nivea, no Vaseline. No nothing!"

Um, in the light of that comment, just how good do you think the typical jihadist is at foreplay? Frankly, I consider this more evidence for my theory that the reason jihadists are so desperate to get themselves a roomful of virgins, is that it's their only hope of not having every gettin'-laid session in which they star end up with the lady lying there thinking, "I've had better."

What a bunch of losers in every possible respect.


At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

10 virgins for ETERNITY - think I'll stick with Jesus - the "climax" will last longer


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