Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pierce kid pictures: Kegan and Merry

I talk about my kids a lot but I'm not much for photographs. A few days ago, though, Dessie got a hankerin' for a new round of family photos. So here are pictures of each of my kids (spread across several posts -- each of which has this exact same opening paragaph -- due to Blogger's five-photos-per-post limit).

Kegan (rhymes with "Megan," though Dessie was disgusted to find that after two weeks' attendance at Lyndon B. Johnson Elementary School in Johnson City, Texas, the boy came home one day pronouncing his own name, in a pronounced Hill Country drawl, as "KAY-gun")

Kegan isn't much for pictures, either; so apart from the whole-family shots this is about all Dessie got out of him. A boy after my own heart, I have to say.

Merry (who used to tell people her full name was "Mewwy Chwismuss Ewisabeth Pierce," and whose name I occasionally got disastrously wrong back when we had an Australian shepherd whom my LOTR-mad children had insisted on naming "Pippin")

I shorely do like this smile, which you guys have seen recently on this very blog.

And here we have Merry's version of the shot with this flowerin' tree (I haven't got a clue what kind of tree it is, myself, but it has flowers on it):

Finally, Merry with Sally:

Next: Sean, Rusty and Sally


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