Wednesday, June 07, 2006

"What If The U.S. Had Had Jane Fonda In 1948?" Dept

Okay, I know you guys have already seen this, since I've seen about thirty different links to it already today.

But it's funny. Unless I suppose you're a very serious anti-war type with no ability to poke fun at yourself. In which case you are welcome to flame me in the comments section; I will take no offense. (But I warn you, I probably won't be able to help being amused, which I fear will just compound my original crime...)

Numbers 6, 4, 3 and 1 are especially on target, but my favorite by far is #2:

"I support the troops, but invading Germany does not guarantee that in 56 years we won't have a President who's worse than Hitler."

P.S. Don't miss the counter in the right-hand margin: "9 [as of this posting] Days Without A Paris Hilton Reference"...


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