Wednesday, May 31, 2006

"It's A Man's World On The Kiwi Rugby Team" Dept

Those of you who know who the All Blacks are without being told (frighteningly, that group includes my own self), will be disillusioned -- unless you are Australian, in which case your glee will not have dissipated a year hence -- by this news item, which begins thusly:
A New Zealand rugby player burst into tears when his captain hit him with a woman's handbag in an early morning incident in a Christchurch bar, news reports said today.

The pair were then thrown out by a female bouncer.
So can New Zealand's male population just go ahead and die right now from shame, girlfriend, or what?

HT: Dave Barry, naturally.

UPDATE: I suppose this was inevitable. (Also by way of Dave.) As of 7:03 p.m. on Friday, current bid: 21,569.00 NZD (which is about $13,600 U.S.).


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