Monday, January 17, 2011

Most Suprising Piece Of Legal Research So Far This Year Dept

In response to the interesting legal situation caused when zealous Austin police officers arrested Jose Rios and Samuel Olivo for DUI on Sixth Street, on the grounds that a horse and a mule each qualify as "motor vehicles", the district attorney observed: "We were surprised there is more case law on drunken cowboys in Ohio and Pennsylvania than we found in Texas."

Really? REALLY????

It's not at all hard to believe that drunks might be found riding horses and mules down Austin's Sixth Street on a Friday night. Indeed, one might express a certain amount of surprise when a Friday night goes by without at least one horseback rider in those parts. But that Ohio and Pennsylvania have more drunken-cowboy case law than Texas????

Oh, wait, of course! -- in Texas, it's probably legal to be a drunken cowboy.

Having found a rational explanation, I feel better now.

HT: Dave again. (Been catching up, obviously.)


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