Monday, January 16, 2006

And in response I find myself speechless

Mayor Nagin attempts to channel God.


At 10:58 AM, Blogger Jim r said...

Yo Kenny,

This ain't much different then Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, any of the "apocalypse is coming" mega-churches. He just happens not to be a church leader.

I personally find it pretty incredible that anyone can read the mind of God in modern times.


At 1:45 PM, Blogger Ken Pierce said...

It's one thing if God is talking to you and you're claiming to be a prophet. It's another thing entirely if you just think you're so brilliant that you can figure out what God's up to on your own, which is apparently what Nagin, Robertson et alia consider themselves capable of accomplishing.

Remember The Late Great Planet Earth? What a piece of transparent crap that was...Hal Lindsay, that was the guy's name. And now here comes Tim LaHaye with his version of the end times...bad exegesis tied to excruciatingly bad fictioncraft, what a delightful combination THAT is...even before the bad Kirk Cameron movie [shuddering].

At 1:49 PM, Blogger Ken Pierce said...

Oh, and Jim, in case it wasn't clear that I totally agree with your comment: I do, 100%. In fact I argue at length (as is my wont, alas) here that Job is meant in large part as a serious rebuke to the "you're-suffering-so-you-must-be-under-God's-righteous-judgment" crowd, because they and the "people-suffer-so-God-must-be-a-jerk" crowd actually believe at bottom the same lie.


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