Friday, May 20, 2005

"How Dare You Impugn My Nativity?" Dept

Oh, ho, my...okay, I'm presuming that at least half of my readers -- and perhaps even both of them -- whether liberal or conservative, are not insane, and therefore agree that Ward, words fail me. And that certainly doesn't happen often. (Actually, to be precise, not all words failed me, but of the words that showed up prepared to perform their duty, none were sufficiently Baptist, even for this Episcopalian.)

The guy's so easy to make fun of that there are only two real challenges: to refrain from doing so (harder than you would think if, like me, you find human folly amusing) or to do so in a way that parodies him better than he parodies himself (all but impossible). So kudos to this guy for pulling off the latter.

I particularly love "Ward Churchill's" evidence that he really is an Indian after all:

I am an Indian because:

1. I call myself an Indian.

2. Other people (who do not have televisions or read newspapers or turn on the radio or leave their houses) think I am an Indian.

3. I am an associate member of the Keetoowah tribe
[actually true, but the Keetooway are disassociating themselves as fast as they can -- Peril], a privilege which cost me three dollars and a proof-of-purchase seal from a package of Red Man chewing tobacco.

4. I give things to people and then take them back...

I owe a hat tip to somebody...maybe Ms. Malkin? Probably her; she keeps tabs on Churchill, though I have the impression that she's considerably more angered than amused by his...oh, asininity is just such an inadequate word.


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